About The Funk...

Observational Spittle from the mind of a man of color in his 40s, without the color added (most times). Come in, laugh, and you may learn something...

90 Things That Irritate The Sh** Out Of Me Trailer

Friday, December 30, 2016

A 2016 Half Mast Middle Finger (with a side eye to '17)


I will be doing what I've been doing for NYE for the last 17 years...except this time I won't collect a new year's kiss for the first time in 20 years. My girl has to work NYD, so I will be watching Seacrest (formally the late, great Dick Clark) ring in 2017 with a bunch of pop stars no one will remember 10 years from now.

It has been interesting, that's for sure.

1. Published my 5th book. While I am not a successful author, I am at least an author. Can't hate on that.
2. I have a decent job with the federal government...until the new admin mucks it up.
3. As I mentioned on Xmas eve, I am vertical and ventilating.
4. I still have 98% non-grayed hair. But there is a storm coming, Mr. Wayne.
5. My wife still thinks I am semi-cute.
6. I was in a newspaper and a news story. And being black, also alive. Major bonus.
7. My oldest isn't doing too badly for his first year in HS. I am still trying to deal that I remember vividly screwing things up with Juliet Allison Grant in the 11th grade, yet I am the parent of a HS student.
8. The Giants are semi-interesting again, even tho I wonder if Eli has one more SB run in him (and a whole lot of upsets).
9. I actually saw the Chicago Cubs....the CHICAGO CUBS...win a world championship. While as a Yankee fan I am a little spoiled, it'll probably be the only time I will have cheered for another team...and be pleased when they handled their business (special shout out to Cleveland, who actually now have something to crow about).
10. Finally, despite all of the losses in the entertainment industry (and the destroying of my Generation X childhood memories), at least as long as we have electricity and technology, I can listen (or watch) to Purple Rain, have a little "faith", believe in powerful women characters who helped take down evil empires, and ask David Bowie to "Dance".

I hope y'all have major plans tomorrow night, but even if you don't, I hope 2017 brings some MUCH better times, news...and hopefully not the destruction of the United States for everyone except rich old white dudes.


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